The comedy genre is known to many audiences. It includes brighter lighting and less contrasts. This is to evoke more of a neutral to cheery mood. There are minimal shadows as well. The angles commonly used within comedy are point of view angles and normal two-person shot medium angles. Common movements for this genre include zooms, Tracking shots, and more. These movements emphasize the focus of the shots. Sometimes there will barely any movements of the camera at all. Directors let the actors and their humorous scripts do the work. It's elements include wit and irony, which add to the humorous nature of the films. In terms of props and costumes, those usually stay pretty minimal so the characters and their lines can do the work for the film. Common sounds within these films include actual laughter. I feel as if this lets the audience know when there’s an intended joke and provokes them to laugh along. Also, many times actions are emphasized by certain sounds. Some examples include Dumb and Dumber, Hustlers, and more.
The romance genre is also a pretty popular genre. It includes much dimmer lighting and way more contrasted lighting. This helps set a more romantic mood for the scene as well as the rest of the movie. The angles commonly used in these films are two shots, close ups, and establishing shots. The two shots usually capture the lovebirds, the close ups emphasize the actions taking place and establishing shots set those romantic scenes. The movements that are used include zooms, pans, and tilts. All of these are usually done in slow movement to really focus on the characters. There usually patterns within plots and scripting for these types of films. These include love at first sight, being rescued, and other obstacles that prevent the two characters that are in love from being together. This draws the audience in to want to watch more. This also makes for a really happy ending once they find their way. Costumes for this genre usually include accent noted by the other character. Common sounds usually include romantic music. Examples include Titanic, The Notebook, and the English Patient.
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